Juniper went to the door ahead, expecting from the orientation of the flat that it would lead to the living room. It opened onto a small bathroom.
She tried the door to the right. A broom cupboard, containing a forlorn whisk broom and a thriving community of cobwebs.
She opened the door to the left. The room was dim, lit only by the street lamps shining through a generous bay window from the main street below. Once she found the light switch she could see that she was in a large living room, with a door to the left and an archway to the right. The left door opened into a good-sized bedroom, with sash windows facing onto a side street. The archway gave onto a tiny kitchen overlooking the street at the front of the building.
The entire flat felt chill, closed and uncomfortable. Juniper felt a sudden wash of loneliness and misery as she contemplated her little domain. The thought of finding the gas heater, turning on the radiators, and settling herself in suddenly seemed overwhelming. She sat heavily on her trunk with a sigh.
She was roused by a soft thudding on the door of the flat. Opening it cautiously she found Cromwell the cat pacing outside the door. He walked imperiously in, sat himself in the middle of the Turkish rug on the living room floor, his lambent amber eyes fixed on hers.
"No sense staring at me, Puss", said Juniper. "I don't have a scrap for myself, let alone something for you."
Cromwell stood, stretched and walked into the kitchen. Intrigued at the cat's confidence, Juniper followed.
He scratched at a low cupboard, and looked at Juniper inquiringly.
Juniper opened the cupboard. It was half-filled with tins: peas, beans, and at least six tins of sardines. Cromwell swiped at the sardine tins and several fell to the floor. He sat and continued to stare glowingly at Juniper.
"Well aren't you the clever one. What else can you find?"
"Well aren't you the clever one. What else can you find?"
Cromwell's huge amber eyes remained fixed on Juniper's.